Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Join us on April 9th, as Angie Van Sistine and Amber Bakkum present Astrobiology: Life Beyond Earth

Join us once again in the back room of the Sugar Maple and prepare to be wowed by Angie Van Sistine (UWM and Coffeeshop Astrophysics) and Amber Bakkum (MCW and Milwaukee Area Science Advocates) as they reprise their extremely well received talk given at the CSA forum in February!!

Astronomers are discovering increasing numbers of exoplanets and beginning to understand what types of environments these other worlds may have. At the same time, biologists are digging deeper into how life arises, what it requires to persist, and how it evolves. Astrobiology is the exciting intersection of astronomy and biology that seeks to answer the fundamental question: Does life exist beyond Earth?

Bring your questions! Bring your curiosity!! And bring your friends!!!