Saturday, December 23, 2017

Join us on January 15th, as Howard Aprill of the Wehr Nature Center returns to present NIGHT TIGERS: Our Neighborhood Owls

(photo caption: The Eastern Screech Owl (Megascops asio) is a common resident, well adapted to the urban environment of Milwaukee County.)

From the arctic to the tropics and everywhere in between, Owls are everywhere! Through stunning photos, real owl calls, and hands-on owl artifacts, you can discover how Owls thrive in one of the most challenging environments on Earth - your backyard. Learn which Owls call Wisconsin home and how you too can find, observe, and enjoy your neighborhood owls.

PLEASE NOTE: While our gatherings are usually on the 2nd Monday of every month, the January talk (which is our One Year Anniversary gathering!!) will be taking place on the 3rd Monday. Please mark your calendars accordingly! And tell your friends!!